Engineered to automatically clean oily or dirty parts without hand scrubbing or toxic solvents, the Jetsink cleans parts using only soap and water in a matter of seconds, thus freeing workers for more productive tasks. The small footprint, only 711mm x 560mm deep, makes it ideal for cell manufacturing and for applications where space is limited.
With a large wash capacity of up to 660mm x 356mm x 381mm (L x W x H), the Jetsink utilises dual 360° spray manifolds with 80 precision positioned jets to clean with just 95 litres of ordinary water and detergent. The solution is heated with a 1650W, 110V heater (13.5kW, 220V heater optional) and then jet sprayed by a recirculating pump. No venting or special utility connections are needed. Only an electrical hookup is required.